ago football Edit

Jordan Fields will announce his final decision on July 13th

Jordan Fields has all of the information he needs to make a college decision. The offensive lineman from North Shore finished his official visits and said he will make an announcement on July 13th.

Fields finished the official visit schedule with a midweek trip to Kansas and a weekend trip to Houston. He liked several things he saw on the Kansas visit, from the new living area for the football players to the new facilities coming.

“The place that they will live at call The Hawker oh, my God, it's amazing,” Fields said. “Nobody's moved in yet, but this class will be the first class to live in it. The campus is amazing. The new equipment and stadium and weight room. Everything is going to be like top tier. They have a lot going on and I like it.”

Jordan Fields will announce his decision on July 6th and is focused on three schools
Jordan Fields will announce his decision on July 6th and is focused on three schools

He called Kansas offensive line coach Daryl Agpalsa a “great dude” and learned about the way he coaches his unit. He spent time around his player host Jacoby Davis, who played at North Shore.

“It was cool chopping it up with him because I haven't really seen him and talked to him in a while, so that was a good experience,” Fields said.

He said he will sit down with his family and talk about the college he will attend.

“I'm done with visits, and I'm just talking about my commitment, narrowing down my options,” he said. “I’m narrowing down the schools that I won't go to, the pros and cons about each. Each school that I would go to and when, which one will better fit, which one will best for me.”

Field said he has cut his list down to three schools between Kansas, Pitt and Houston. He talked about his final group of schools.

Houston: Coach Naghavi is a great dude. He develops players to be the best that they can be. The relationship between the coaches and the players is there in all three schools. They are definitely going in the right direction and have the right thing going for them.

Pitt: It is beautiful out there. Then the Coach Narduzzi is a great coach. Coach Darveau is a really good coach. It's a family out there. The o-line room is like a big family. Pitt has a great environment.

Kansas: Coach Agpalsa is a funny guy. He's a great coach. Everything I heard about him was good. He came from lower schools, and he’s bringing people up that nobody knew about, helping them get drafted. They help their players academically and mentally. It was better than I thought it would be.
